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Ware's the Fun Palace

Ware's the Fun Palace / Opportunities / Sat 28 Aug 2021

Ware’s the Fun Palace CALL OUT!

Ware’s the Fun Palace CALL OUT!

This year will see the return of Ware’s the Fun Palace on 2nd & 3rd October 2021 and we need makers to fill our spaces with fun, creative activities.

Fun Palaces are events where we share skills and creativity to make connections with community, like the old Ceilidh Houses of the Highlands and Islands, where folk got together to share stories and songs and at the same time maybe learn how to weave or knit. Fun Palaces are free events made by and for community members to share their skills and talents. Fun Palaces are about creating our own entertainment, our own cultural events and are part of a campaign for cultural democracy.

Check out to learn more about this (inter)national campaign for cultural democracy and its annual October weekend of Fun Palace-making.

Ware’s the Fun Palace with out hosts The Southern Maltings is offering space inside, space Under Canvas or online space to share your Fun Palace activity.

Ware’s the Fun Palace will provide tables and chairs. You will need to provide any materials required for your Fun Palace. The event will be promoted on Ware’s the Fun Palace, Southern Maltings and Fun Palaces’ websites and social media.

If you would like to deliver a Fun Place session as part of Ware’s the Fun Palace please send us your proposal for a Fun Palace and your preferred day, Saturday 2nd October or Sunday 3rd October.

We’d particularly like to hear from younger makers (under 16 years old) who would like to share their creative skills and passions.

Your proposal can be in writing – please send us a paragraph, max 250 words – or it can be a short video, max 2 minutes, filmed on your phone – outlining:

1. What you would like to create for Ware's the Fun Palace;

2. Who it is aimed at (all ages or children under 12 or Youth under 16, or Older Ages 65+);

3. Whether you would like a physical space/studio indoors; a space in the Under Canvas tent outdoors, or a live-streaming slot supported by our digital team.

Please send your proposal to, if you are sending a film please use Wetransfer ( which is free.

Deadline: 11pm, 12th September.

Please note that spaces are limited, especially due to COVID-19 restrictions, but this will enable us to make a safe Fun Palace in line with current COVID-19 Government guidelines.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Ware's the Fun Palace

Southern Maltings
Kibes Lane
SG12 7BS


Opportunity Details
