Von Allen - Heartfelt Dogs

Von Allen - Heartfelt Dogs / Events / Sat 16 Apr 2016

Needle Feting Workshop Spring Hares!

Needle Feting Workshop Spring Hares!

Needle Felted Spring Hares!

Learn the basic techniques of needle felting and make you own hare!

Saturday 16th April 10.30 - 4pm at HootCreative Arts, Bates Mill, Huddersfield.

£50 includes all materials and unlimited refreshments.

Booking essential, please email dogs@vonallen.co.uk for a booking form.

For more information visit http://www.vonallen.co.uk/

Event Location

Bates Mill, Milford Street, Huddersfield

Telephone: 01484 842 002
Email: von.allen@tiscali.co.uk
Website: http://www.vonallen.co.uk/

Event Details


Arts and Crafts
