Book your seat for a unique music event offering a rare insight into the activity associated with scoring music to moving image.
A dynamic string quartet will work live with Rob Wright (Head of Music in School of Creative Arts) to explore a musical score composed for screen. Presented as part of the School of Creative Arts annual music festival Sonic Herts, we are delighted to welcome members of the University’s resident classical orchestra the de Havilland Philharmonic.
The event’s host Rob Wright will introduce his alternative, reimagined score, inspired by the German Expressionist Horror film Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror.
In this open and informal event, Rob will share his approach to composing for screen, especially the working partnership of composer and musicians. The conversation will draw on live examples from his recent music writing, aided by the musicians playing excerpts and joining in the conversation.
What We Do In the Shadows – Tues 3 May, 18.00 – 19.30
University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus.
Tickets are FREE – find out more and book your place here via the web link.
For more information visit https://www.uharts.co.uk/.../2022/what-we-do-in-the-shadows
Event Location
University of Hertfordshire
University of Hertfordshire
Room B01, Film, Music and Media Building
College Lane Campus
AL10 9AB
AL10 9EU
Telephone: 01707 285 395
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: https://www.uharts.co.uk/.../2022/what-we-do-in-the-shadows