UHArts / Events / Wed 29 Nov 2017 to Sat 20 Jan 2018 (2 months)
Slow Violence

Slow Violence introduces work by eight UK-based artists to reconsider the ubiquitous and prevalent threat of climate change.
Working across film, photography, installation and sculpture, the contributing artists challenge us to rethink the prevailing climate change iconography - of melting ice caps or desertification. Rejecting the spectacular and immediate for disasters that are slow moving and long-term, their visual interpretations often draw attention to what is happening closer to home, within our own local environments.
Presented in collaboration with the School of Creative Arts across an exhibition, symposium and other events, Slow Violence takes its name and impetus from Rob Nixon’s seminal book ‘Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor’ (2013). Nixon suggests we reject the idea of violence as explosive or sensational, and instead “engage a different kind of violence that is neither spectacular nor instantaneous, but rather incremental and accretive.” Slow Violence acknowledges that the violence of climate change can often be unrecognized, even invisible, incremental, localized, extended, durational.
The Slow Violence exhibition, symposium and events were developed collaboratively by UHGalleries and the Contemporary Art Practice Group, School of Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire.
For more information visit http://www.uharts.co.uk/
Event Location
Art and Design Gallery
College Lane Campus
University of Hertfordshire
AL10 9AB
Telephone: 01707 281 127
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: http://www.uharts.co.uk/