TrestleTheatre / Events / Tue 15 Sep to Sat 12 Dec 2020 (3 months)
Trestle School of Drama

Trestle School of Drama is fully inclusive and runs weekly sessions for ages 4-18 years. With nearly 40 years’ experience in arts and education and a wide range of expert specialists at our fingertips Trestle is the perfect place for children to start a journey with drama and grow in confidence and performance skills.
Trestle School of Drama also run regular Holiday Workshops and events, you can check out our next projects here.
We aim to create a stimulating and professional environment within which our participants can find their own creative expression. All tutors are Trestle trained and DBS checked.
Click visit https://www.trestle.org.uk/trestle-school-of-drama-covid-secure for our COVID 19 policy and procedures.
15 September - 12 December 2020
Please note there will be no classes on 27 and 31 October (Half Term)
SATURDAYS 9am-10am
For ages 4-7
Get started with drama and learn key skills through creative play.
SATURDAYS 10.15am-12.15pm
For ages 11-14
Develop your acting skills with a focus on text and voice.
For ages 8-10
Build your skills and begin to explore creating your own stories to share on stage. Gain experience in text, movement and ensemble vocal work.
TUESDAYS 5pm-7pm
For ages 14-16
Develop your artistic process in intensive cross art sessions tailored to your needs be it, drama school prep/ text work /movement or advanced skill development.
COST: Sessions will cost £180 a term per student or £90 per term for a BEGIN student (aged 4-7) paid in termly instalments. Bursaries are available where financial support is needed.
For more information on each session Download an information pack
For more information visit http://www.trestle.org.uk/participate/youth-theatre/trestle-school-of-drama/
Event Location
Trestle Theatre Company
Trestle Arts Base
Russet Drive
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 850 950
Email: takingpart@trestle.org.uk
Website: http://www.trestle.org.uk/participate/youth-theatre/trestle-school-of-drama/