TrestleTheatre / Events / Wed 19 to Fri 21 Oct 2022 (3 days)
Trestle CPD Training

Trestle’s CPD courses for drama teachers, professional practitioners and workshop leaders provide a unique opportunity to develop teaching and performance skills in mask, half mask and physical theatre, as well as discovering new ways of helping students create dynamic performances.
“A fantastic valuable workshop with so much to take away and put into practice”
Led by professional theatre practitioners these practical one day drama CPD workshops are held regularly at our home in St Albans, Trestle Arts Base or can be delivered at external venues.
CPD training sessions happen twice a year with dates in Spring and Autumn terms. The days will include Basic Mask and Half Mask, Intermediate and Advanced Mask and Physical Theatre and give participants the confidence to work with students using Trestle’s expertise and creative abilities to make exciting mask and physical theatre.
Mask Theatre and Half Mask | Wednesday 19 October, 10 am – 4 pm
This fun, accessible workshop will help strengthen your practice of using Trestle full masks and half masks as a tool for both theatre and social development. The work consists of experiencing exercises and learning teaching techniques to develop physical awareness, mask performance and creative devising.
Advanced and Intermediate Mask | Thursday 20 October, 10 am – 4 pm
This is a follow-up workshop for anyone that has participated in our basic mask training or worked extensively with Trestle Basic mask sets. This work will focus on our advanced and intermediate mask sets extending your devising and teaching techniques from the previous training and supporting you to challenge yourself and your students.
Physical Theatre | Friday 21 October, 10 am – 4 pm
This practical workshop will teach you to work imaginatively with storytelling, using body, voice and mind to devise and create dynamic theatre. Participants will discover new ways of creating and teaching physical languages with which to make rich visual and physical performance covering a range of styles and practitioners.
Cost: £150.00 per day or receive a 7% discount when booking 2 or more days.
The cost includes lunch, refreshments and comprehensive notes on the workshops.
We can also visit your school/an external venue to deliver a CPD day: £600 for 6-18 participants + travel
You can find our COVID Secure policy on our website
For more information about our CPD training please contact the team at takingpart@trestle.org.uk or 01727 850950 please book online via the button below.
For more information visit https://www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on/2021/08/09/cpd-training-mask-advanced-and-intermediate-mask-and-physical-theatre-oct22
Event Location
Trestle Arts Base
Trestle Arts Base
Russet Drive
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 850 950
Email: takingpart@trestle.org.uk
Website: https://www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on/2021/08/09/cpd-training-mask-advanced-and-intermediate-mask-and-physical-theatre-oct22