TrestleTheatre / Events / Thu 08 May 2014
The Rite of Spring / Romeo and Juliet feat. Trestle Half Masks

Thursday 8 May, 7.30pm at Trestle Arts Base.
The Rite of Spring / Romeo and Juliet brings together Stravinsky’s score with Shakespeare’s play: the production uses Trestle’s expressive character half masks and piano four hands to create a music-oriented physical theatre re-telling of Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy.
Conceived by award-winning pianist An-Ting Chang and her innovative theatre company Concert Theatre, the production features concert pianists from the Royal Academy of Music, actors and director trained at the Lecoq School and mask specialists from Trestle Theatre who have designed and created the half masks especially for the show.
Tickets: £13 Full Price / £11 Concs / £8 Under 16s /Group discount available
10% off a combined workshop and show booking
There is a workshop available for schools/colleges to accompany the show which uses Commedia dell’arte and the language of half mask to bring the characters and text of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to life. This can support programmes of study across the curriculum such as Drama, Theatre Studies, English, Music, Performing Arts & PSHEE. For further details or to book a workshop, please contact: takingpart@trestle.org.uk / 01727 850950
For more information visit http://www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on/the-arts-base/the-rite-of-spring-romeo-and-juliet/