
TrestleTheatre / Events / Mon 17 May to Sun 05 Sep 2021 (4 months)

Behind the Mask | Celebrating 40 Years of Trestle Theatre Compan

Behind the Mask | Celebrating 40 Years of Trestle Theatre Compan

2021 sees Trestle celebrate its 40th birthday and we are delighted to announce that we will be launching an exhibition in partnership with Arts Council England and the St Albans Museum + Gallery this Summer.

The exhibition Behind the Mask | Celebrating 40 years of Trestle Theatre Company will chart the history of the company and invites the public to discover the extraordinary theatre and education work that we have created over the past four decades. The exhibition will be open to the public from May 17th 2021 and available as an online exhibition later in the year.

Behind the Mask will encompass everything, from past shows and the development of our surprising and engaging mask sets to the wonderful stories of those working with Trestle now.

For more information visit

Event Location

St Albans Museum + Gallery

St Peter's St, St Albans

Telephone: 01727 850 950

Event Details
