
TrestleTheatre / Events / Tue 06 Apr 2021

Easter Holiday Workshop | Trestle School of Drama (online)

Easter Holiday Workshop | Trestle School of Drama (online)

Leading on from our Clowning Around day in February Half Term join us this Easter for a day of Comedy Improv workshops to ‘Find Your Funny’. Throughout the day there will be 3 workshops to zoom into for different ages exploring our imaginations and testing out our funny bones.

Find Your Funny: Cheeky chuckles
9 am – 10.30 am, ages 4 – 7 years
Online - on zoom
Can you pull the silliest face or tell the funniest story? Join us for 90 minutes as we use drama games and activities to stretch our imaginations and make each other chuckle.

Find Your Funny: Giddy Giggles
11 am – 12.30 pm, ages 8 – 10 years
Online - on zoom
Join Trestle for 90 minutes of quick thinking, silly scenarios, raucous characters and fun fiascos! We’ll use drama games and activities to build our improvisation skills testing your ability to think on your feet!

Find Your Funny: Lively Laughs
1 pm – 2.30 pm, age 11 + years
Online - on zoom
Have you ever made your friends laugh so hard they cry? Looking for somewhere to tell all your hilarious anecdotes? Join us for 90 minutes of improvisational comedy as we create sketches, find funny characters and let our imaginations fly. The possibilities are literally endless.


All sessions will take place via ZOOM on Tuesday 6th April

Costs: £6 per child per session

For more information visit

Event Location

Trestle Art Base (online)

Trestle Theatre Company Ltd, Trestle Arts Base,
Russet Drive

Telephone: 01727 850 950

Event Details
