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TouchPoint productions

TouchPoint productions Phoenix Performing Arts Trust

TouchPoint's vision is to create and perform quality, original, relevant and redemptive productions, impacting society and culture by the powerful media of theatre, physical theatre and narrative film.

Serving the community and our audiences

We work in partnership with existing community arts and other projects, collaborating with professionals and artists-in-training on a project by project basis. Intrinsic to our work is to engage and train up promising new talent from the age of 16 and upwards. All performing associates must do some training with our training company CORE Theatre Arts Lab or PointZero Physcial Theatre in order to perform in our productions, in order that they understand our approach and philosophy.

TouchPoint productions are all original pieces of theatre , physical theatre and film, written by Mary Scott, and they cover a broad subject matter, designed to deeply touch and challenge our audiences.

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My Location

HP23 4AW

Telephone: 07719 760 924

Profile Details

My News

Seeing Grace Film release end November / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2016-10-24T00:00:00Z">Mon 24 Oct 2016</span>Seeing Grace Film release end November / Mon 24 Oct 2016

Grace Simpson, former prostitute and convicted of trafficking, turned Queen’s evidence against her pimp and was given early release from prison. Year...

My Opportunities

Screening of new short film on sexual exploitation / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2017-01-31T00:00:00Z">Tue 31 Jan 2017</span>Screening of new short film on sexual exploitation / Tue 31 Jan 2017

Are you interested in a screening of a dynamic and powerful short narrative film on sexual exploitation? We are developing the SLAVE project (educ...
