Torquay Museum / Events / Fri 30 Mar to Mon 02 Apr 2018 (4 days)

Date: 30 March 2018 - 2 April 2018
If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary to do with the kids this Easter Bank Holiday Weekend then why not join some crazy Easter-obsessed scientists at Torquay Museum, who will amaze you with some fun and wacky egg-related experiments. Then get creative with
Squircle Arts during their Art Pop days.
Essence of Eggs – Mad Easter Science Experiments
Hot on the heels of British Science Week, Pocket-watch Theatre Company have recruited a microbiologist and a chemical engineer for their Essence of Eggs – Mad Easter Science Experiments at Torquay Museum. Two nutty, yet genuine, scientists, Professor Al Bumen and Dr Michelle Crack'd will bring learning to life as they "eggs-plore" the world of eggs during twice daily performances at:
11am and 1.30pm from Friday 30th March to Monday 2nd April. Tickets are £5 each and booking is highly recommended – telephone Torquay Museum on 01803 293975
With a nod to biology, chemistry, physics and nutrition they will perform some "Eggs-periments" with "Eggs-planations" as well as host an "Eggs-hibition" and an optional "Eggs-am" (quiz). They hope it "Eggs-eeds" all your "Eggs-pectations" and they'll answer the centuries old question - what happens to marshmallows in space! They will also set jelly babies alight, fling smells with smoke cannons, create lemonade fountains and explode food.
Art Pop with Squircle Arts
Squircle Arts will also be popping up at Torquay Museum on Friday 30th March and Monday 9th April for some family-friendly Art Pop fun. Join their talented artists, who will show you how to design your own screen-printed bag to take home, print your own cards with lino and foam stamps, and then get your face-painted.
The Squircle Arts drop-in Art Pop sessions take place on:
Friday 30th March, 10-11am, 12.00-1.30pm & 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 9th April, 10am-Noon & 1pm-3pm
There are small charges for each activity.
For more information visit http://www.torquaymuseum.org/events/details/395/eggstatic-easter-family-fun-at-torquay-museum
Event Location
Torquay Museum
Babbacombe Road
Telephone: 01803 293 975
Email: reception@torquaymuseum.org
Website: http://www.torquaymuseum.org/events/details/395/eggstatic-easter-family-fun-at-torquay-museum