Torquay Museum

Torquay Museum / Events / Sat 31 Mar 2018

Writing & Publishing in the Westcountry with B.H.M

Writing & Publishing in the Westcountry with B.H.M

Date: 31 March 2018

As part of 'Sharing Stories' a festival celebrating Storytelling and Writing on the English Riviera

Saturday 31st March, 10am to 11am

At Brixham Council Offices, Function Room - next to Brixham Heritage Museum

Writing and Publishing in the West Country, a talk by local historian John Risdon

John’s involvement in publishing over the past 35 years has been within the factual word, very much associated with his beloved West Country.

Starting with small descriptive publications on Dartmoor’s environment and history, he moved on to a more thorough work specifically on the Dart estuary. In addition, with his involvement in West Country publishing and distribution, he was lucky enough to rub shoulders with many other local authors. His talk will be both an account of his experiences in writing and publishing but also a chance for informal discussion on the highs and lows of the reference book world.

This event is FREE of charge. No need to book, just turn up on the day.

Space is limited so come early to avoid disappointment

For enquiries regarding this event please email

For more information visit

Event Location

Brixham Heritage Museum

The Old Policestation
Bolton Cross

Telephone: 01803 856 267

Event Details

Age group

