Torbay Libraries

Torbay Libraries / Events / Wed 03 Jan to Wed 05 Dec 2018 (11 months)

Torquay Library Family History Group

Torquay Library Family History Group

Thanks partly to the popularity of televisions programmes such as Who do you think you are? interest in family history - or genealogy - has never been higher. But researching your family tree is not always a straightforward process. At the library you can take advantage of our free access for library members and by coming along to the family history group you can learn tips and tricks from other people engaged in the same voyage of discovery.

Meetings take place every first Wednesday of the month, 10.00am - 12.00. Membership is free and you can start taking part by just dropping in to the next meeting.

Event Location

Torquay Library

Lymington Road

Telephone: 01803 208 300
