Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust / Events / Tue 27 May 2014
Loving our Limestone - Geology and Wildlife Walk at Berry Head

A special opportunity to see the very best wildlife and geology Berry Head has to offer with geologist and naturalist Dr Chris Proctor. We will explore the head’s 400 million year old limestone geology and how this has created the special conditions needed by spectacular rare wildflowers and seabirds, including the biggest mainland guillemot colony in the South West. This is the most stunning time of year to walk our coastal cliffs, with carpets of wildflowers set to a backdrop of blue sparkling sea and spectacular limestone cliffs.
Time: 10am – 12pm
Cost: £9.00 per head
Booking: Essential on 01803 520022 or book online
For more information visit https://www.countryside-trust.org.uk/events/details/180/loving-our-limestone-geology-and-wildlife-walk-at-berry-head/