Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust / Events / Sat 26 to Sun 27 Apr 2014 (2 days)
Beginners Bird Identification Course

A beginner to intermediate level course to improve your bird identification skills with local expert Mike Langman. This two day course corresponding with the busy spring migration period of the year will be a mixture of indoor and outdoor activities. The first day concentrating on visual identification, bird families, taking notes, birdwatching resources and optical equipment and of course putting it all into practice in the field. Up to 80% of ‘birdwatching’ in a woodland is using your ears so day two will be learning to identifying birds by calls and song. During the afternoon we will be making the most of Berry Head National Nature Reserve with a short introduction into how to watch and identify seabirds. There will be a follow up intermediate to advanced Bird Identification course in the Autumn.
Meet: Berry Head National Nature Reserve main car park
Time: 10am – 4pm
Cost: £55.00 per person
Booking: Essential on 01803 520022 or online
Info: Please bring change for parking, a packed lunch, notebook, binoculars (if you have them) and wear sturdy shoes. There is some free parking outside the Reserve Office however this fills quickly. Main car park: £1.10 pr hr up to a max of £4.40 for 24hrs; parking is free for Trust Members
For more information visit https://www.countryside-trust.org.uk/events/details/172/beginners-bird-identification-course/