Tiffany Robinson

Tiffany Robinson / Events / Thu 10 Oct 2013

ChArt Pecha Kucha Chichester Vol 9

ChArt Pecha Kucha Chichester Vol 9

Ch-Art - an artist led initiative which aims to inspire, support and celebrate artists and makers in Sussex. Regular events held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6 - 8pm, at Pallant House Gallery, and supported by Pallant House Gallery and Unity Arts Trust. £2 entry, bar (pay by donation)

Pecha Kucha 20 slides x 20 seconds x 8 speakers

‘The art of education: the losses and gains for the maker/tutor’

Many artists use their skills in ways beyond their own studio work, often this includes some form of teaching or knowledge sharing.
Speakers present their learning, stories, work, insights on what happens when you do both.
What is gained and what is lost in the process?

If you’re interested in presenting email .

All welcome.

For information:

Event Location

Pallant House Gallery

9 North Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1HL

Telephone: 07834 640 707

Event Details
