Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG) / Events / Sat 15 Mar to Sat 19 Apr 2014 (1 month)
Recollection exhibition

THG’s (Thelma Hulbert Gallery) major new exhibition ‘Recollection’, focuses on contemporary artists whose work explores the theme of memory. This thought-provoking exhibition features a variety of art forms highlighting responses to memory and memory loss.
Amongst the exhibits, Recollection sees the return to THG of two of Jenni Dutton’s astounding large scale ‘Dementia Darnings’, portraits of her mother woven in wool and thread.
“I have explored new perspectives on my mother’s dementia as well as the effects of this illness on the self and the mother-daughter relationship.” Jenni explained, “This work has given me extraordinary and precious experiences with my mum, whose company and opinion I value”.
Also featuring will be other artworks including the memory tubes of Jo Saurin and Sophie Bower’s ‘Stories of Memory’, which form part of her ongoing investigation into what triggers involuntary memory.
Alongside the main exhibition, upstairs at THG, there will be a display of donated works to be auctioned to raise funds for two voluntary organisations (Honiton Memory Café and the Honiton Hospital League of Friends) and the Thelma Hulbert Gallery Learning Programme. These organizations are working together to increase awareness and understanding of dementia through this exciting community initiative.
The auction is to be held at THG on Friday 25 April at 7pm, led by Chilcotts auctioneers and promises to be an incredible opportunity to purchase the finest work from up and coming artists as well as prominent artists such as Alan Cotton and Irene Jones.
For more information visit http://www.thelmahulbert.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.thelmahulbert.com/