Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG) / Events / Sat 15 to Sat 29 Oct 2016 (2 weeks)
People's Paolozzi

Community response to the work of Eduardo Paolozzi
People’s Paolozzi will showcase work created by the community using the artwork of Eduardo Paolozzi as inspiration.
Bringing together artists and the community in a series of workshops this exhibition will include, painting, printmaking and sculpture. This work is the result of activities running prior to and throughout the exhibition. The display will be constantly evolving as new work is created. The art activities will include families, schools and community groups including hard to reach groups from across Devon.
As part of the national Museums at Night festival, join us at the end of the exhibition for an evening of art activities, local food, bar, DJ and facepainting at our Halloween Party Sat 29 Oct from 5pm – 9pm (art activities until 8pm)
For more information visit http://www.thelmahulbert.com/?q=exhibitions/peoples-paolozzi
Event Location
Thelma Hulbert Gallery
Elmfield House
Dowell Street
EX14 1LX
Telephone: 01404 450 06
Email: info@thelmahulbert.com
Website: http://www.thelmahulbert.com/?q=exhibitions/peoples-paolozzi