Thelma Hulbert Gallery (THG) / Events / Sat 21 Jan to Sat 03 Mar 2012 (1 month)
Animation & Disability

As part of 2012’s Animated Exeter festival this Thelma Hulbert Gallery exhibition explores Animation and Disability, showcasing the work of disabled animators, alongside animations highlighting disability.
Featuring an enlightening selection of animations including Creature Discomforts by Aardman Animations, the Oscar winning creators of Wallace and Gromit, Motion Disabled and All for Claire by Simon Mckeown, DaDafest International Artist of the Year 2010 – 2011, and the award winning A is for Autism by Tim Webb.
This exhibition focuses on celebrating and promoting disability and disabled people through animation.
Animation inspired activities will take place in the THG Project Space throughout the exhibition.
For more information visit http://www.thelmahulbert.com/
Event Location
Thelma Hulbert Gallery
Elmfield House
Dowell Street
EX14 1LX
Telephone: 01404 450 06
Email: info@thelmahulbert.com
Website: http://www.thelmahulbert.com/