The Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Wed 05 Aug 2015

DISS 2015: All Goodly Sport: The Courtly Life of Henry VIII

DISS 2015: All Goodly Sport: The Courtly Life of Henry VIII

The City Musick
William Lyons director/flute, recorder, shawm, crumhorn, curtal
Nicholas Perry flute, recorder, shawm, crumhorn, curtal
Richard Thomas cornett, recorder
Gawain Glenton cornett, recorder
Sarah Humphrys recorder, shawm, crumhorn
Tom Lees sackbut
Paul Bevan sackbut, recorder, percussion
George Bartle sackbut, voice

£18.50 reserved / £14 unreserved / Under 16s £9.25 reserved / £7 unreserved

In a new programme, the popular early music ensemble The City Musick enter the world of the early Tudor court, exploring the repertoires and ensembles that would have been performed for the various revels, masques, dances, ceremonies, public displays and privy chambers of the King.

Featuring songs and instrumental pieces from the famous Henry VIII Manuscript and other local and continental musical sources, The City Musick play many of the instruments that were listed in the inventory of Henry’s collection including shawms, cornetts, sackbuts, still-shawms, bagpipes, crumhorns, flutes and recorders.

The concert will take the form of a court entertainment, with processions, interludes, readings, consorts, dances and love songs, exploring the colourful revels and ceremonies of a King.

For more information visit

Event Location

Great Hall


Telephone: 01803 847 070
Email: boxoffice@dartington
