The Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Thu 01 to Sun 04 Oct 2015 (4 days)
Craft Revolution: 4 Day Course: Spoon Camp

4 days in the woods with the legendary Barn-the-Spoon
£190 - 3 nights, food, local refreshments and materials provided
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and make a spoon once in a while, you could miss it."
The Craft Revolution is a new programme of craft courses at Schumacher College and Dartington. It is a wonderful opportunity to see craft created from the heart that has purpose, uniqueness and love channelled into it. This is getting rarer in this world of mass production and standardisation.
Spoon Camp is 4 days in the woods with the legendary Barn the Spoon… make a bowl and a spoon to last you for the rest of your life.
Lots of eating, sleeping and making spoons outdoors, with short films, river swimming and lots of spoonerisms.
Pitch your small tent by 6pm 1 October – exit on Sunday 4 October after lunch.
Bring your own tent, bedding, warm clothes, swimwear and towels.
With special guests LIFF - showing the Spoon Camp Short Film Screening Series, projected on a big screen hung from a redwood tree.
“Once upon a time, there were whole rafts of jobs that required us to use both our heads and our hands, together; we seem, these days, to earn our livings using just one or the other. Making something like this spoon, something simple yet difficult, practical yet pleasing, feels good for the soul” The Guardian journalist Jon Henley on one of Barn – the-Spoon workshops
For more information visit
Event Location
North Woods
Dartington Hall
Telephone: 01803 847 070