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Theatre On Wax

Theatre On Wax / News / Fri 21 Sep 2018

Official Selection

Official Selection

Hello friends,
delighted again to announce that Heaven's Rage is an Official Selection at Darkroom Film Festival hosted by Deptford Cinema on 29/30 September in London.

Darkroom festival at Deptford Cinema presents a weekend of experimental film and sound art. Come into the dark room to explore works ranging from personal archive material, analogue film interactions, audio visual performance, documentary and sound art.

The aim of the festival is to provide a platform for genres of films which are commonly overlooked by many festivals, to curate a collection of films unlike any other, and to showcase groundbreaking works by local artists.

Leslie Tate's book 'Heaven's Rage' is available to purchase here;

Also, Minnie Birch & Cian Davis' haunting rendition of John Barleycorn featured in the film is available here;

Be seeing you!

Leslie Stuart Tate James Melrose DOP Ell Kendall Ben Beheshty Amin El Zomor Minnie Birch Lauren Deakin-davies Sheelagh Frew Crane Jason Pinches Liam Williams Lewis Butler Mark Crane Cian Davis

#darkroomfestival #theatreonwax

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