Theatre Alibi are offering a paid stage management internship. We are looking for someone who is a hardworking team player, that already has some experience, but needs to develop their skills and knowledge in order to further their career.
The internship will provide you with the opportunity to work with a theatre company that has high production values and a wealth of experience and knowledge that comes from touring to a wide range of venues. You will be working alongside Theatre Alibi’s resident experienced Production Manager, learning about many aspects of the theatre industry including schools touring, basic lighting, prop and costume maintenance and Health & Safety. There will be plenty of hands on experience and the chance to take some responsibility. You will also be able to gain advice on creating a CV, pursuing your career and working as a self-employed person. We expect you to be proactive in your learning by letting us know areas in which you need more knowledge and experience, and by grabbing opportunities that present themselves.
Duties are likely to include helping source props and costumes, loading and unloading the van, fitting up the set, helping to organise children, mending props, doing the laundry, completing tour reports and assisting with lighting. However, as stage managers are required to remain flexible at all times, it is impossible to create a definitive list!
The internship will start on the 24 or 31 August and run until 19 December or 21 February. Please see the application pack for more info on dates.
To apply please request an application pack, which contains important information about funding that we have and more details about what will be involved. Send us your completed application form by 9am on Monday 6 July 2015. Please note we will only accept completed application forms so do not send us your CV. If you have any questions please contact elaine@theatrealibi.co.uk.
Interviews will be held on 13 and 14 July in Exeter.
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01392 217 315
Email: elaine@theatrealibi.co.uk