The Old Town Hall

The Old Town Hall / Events / Wed 04 May 2016

Community Grants Workshop

Community Grants Workshop

Community Grants of up to £5000 can be applied for to support community activities and well being in Dacorum. DBC are interested in applications from arts organisations/groups to run projects and you are welcome to attend a training/information session at The Old Town Hall on 4th May 2016, 1-3pm.

Priority will be given to projects which support the following key themes; • Improving health and wellbeing • Helping to look after the interests of vulnerable and deprived people and communities • Encouraging people from all backgrounds to get involved in their community and promote a sense of belonging • Developing social enterprise and a sustainable voluntary sector • Ensuring that Dacorum is an excellent place to live, work and visit.

The session will include:
• Introductions
• Community grant guidance
• Five Ways to wellbeing
• Digital Dacorum – moving the grant application online
• What information goes where?
• Top tips for a successful application

Who can apply?
Any voluntary or community group can apply, including those already in receipt of funds. This fund is intended to be flexible, however, for an application to be considered, the project/ initiative requiring funds must be constituted and comply with the following conditions.
• Hold a bank account in the name of the group, requiring at least two signatories
• have a Management Committee of at least three people
• be non-profit making or a social enterprise where profits are reinvested for community or social benefit
• operate with no undue restrictions on membership.

Organisations/groups outside Dacorum can apply but their application must explain how the project will benefit Dacorum residents.
You can find further details on the DBC website at:

It would be wonderful for more art projects to be delivered in Dacorum to benefit the local community and promote well being in the area. If you would like to attend the session here on 4th May at 1pm, please email or call 01442 228092.

Event Location

The Old Town Hall

The Old Town Hall
High Street
Hemel Hempstead

Telephone: 01442 228 092

Event Details
