The Novium / Events / Mon 16 to Sat 21 Feb 2015 (6 days)
World War 2 Week at The Novium

World War 2 Week at The Novium
Free entry with drop in make do and mend crafts and toys all week, try on a gas mask and enter the evacuee postcard creative writing competition.welcome
To tie in with the new production of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas on at Chichester Festival Theatre. Daily 16th - 21st February 10am - 2pm Donations welcome. Also a Wartime Child Workshop available where you can hear voices from the past with short true stories about children in WW2 and make a memory box or spitfire to take home and meet our Land Army girl. Monday 16 to Friday 20 February
No need to book just drop in 10:30am
£2 per child
Event Location
The Novium Museum
Tower Street, Chichester
PO19 1QH
Telephone: 01243 775 888
Email: ccoleman@chichester.gov.uk