The Media Centre / News / Sat 12 Sep 2015
Open Call for Silent or Subtitled Screen Based Work

Café Ollo Triptychs is a biannual film screening programme showing 3 selected screen based works simultaneously on 3 parallel screens. This rolling open call is for silent/subtitled film/video/animation to be screened in triptych format on flat screens in Café Ollo's exhibition space every other season from 2016. Café Ollo Triptychs is selected and curated by Alice Bradshaw.
Silent/subtitled screen-based works; film, video, animation. Any subtitles in English please. No minimum or maximum duration. Selected work will be screened 1 film per screen and looped continuously during opening times.
File Format:
Films must be supplied on DVDpal or mpg, mp4 or avi format only. No mov or wmv files. A short film synopsis or statement about the work and film still is also required for publicity material.
Postal submissions:
FAO Alice Bradshaw, Café Ollo Triptychs
The Media Centre,
7 Northumberland St.
Huddersfield HD1 1RL.
Email submissions (dropbox, vimeo, download links, etc) and enquiries: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
No submission fee.
Postal submissions cannot be returned unless SAE envelope provided.
More info:
For more information visit http://bit.ly/triptychs
News Location
Cafe Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
Email: alicebradshaw.co.uk@gmail.com
Website: http://bit.ly/triptychs