The Media Centre

The Media Centre / Events / Sat 17 Feb 2018

Notwestminster 2018 - D is for Democracy (Main Event)

Notwestminster 2018 - D is for Democracy (Main Event)

If we want a stronger local democracy, we all need to be part of the generation that makes it happen. Notwestminster is about finding the people, ideas and energy we need, so that we can do something practical to improve our local democracy, here and now.

If you’re up for the challenge, please join us for two days of workshops, quick-fire talks, practical activities, conversations and inspiration in Huddersfield. Notwestminster is a free event and everyone is welcome to take part. All we ask is that you are interested in making our local democracy better, and willing to do something to make it happen.

Generation D
Democracy is about much more than voting, but we seem increasingly unhappy with the process of how we’re governed and how much (or how little) we feel we have a stake in the decisions that affect us.

2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act, which first gave 8.5 million women (and all men aged over 21) the opportunity to vote. It is a sorry legacy that in England today only a third of us vote in local elections.

We’re told that there may never be another generation that has the “habit of voting”. From Catalonia, we hear cries of “No revolution without the grandparents”. At home, we hear mixed views from our young citizens about whether there should be votes at 16.

Yet there are things which unite us. We know that people of all ages want (and need) civic and political education. Our distance from democracy is also our distance from each other. That’s why strengthening our local democracy is an issue for everyone - and it’s something that we can only do together. Democracy needs to work better for everyone, all the time, win or lose.

The future of local democracy starts with us. So let’s talk about our democratic generation. Let’s talk about our regeneration. But let’s not stop at the talking.

Register now
We think that the stronger local democracy we all want and deserve could be just around the corner. And we don’t need a tardis to get there. We just need each other.

Will you be part of Generation D?

Workshops & Lightning talks
Our lively workshop sessions, all led by our participants, are at the heart of our main event:

Notwestminster workshops 2018
Our main event also includes a series of lightning talks to give you different perspectives on local democracy.

The day will close with an Ideas Bazaar where you can sign up to work on some of the ideas, and drinks whilst you talk with other participants.

For more information visit

Event Location

The Media Centre

7 Northumberland Street

Telephone: 01484 483 000

Event Details


