The Media Centre / News / Thu 27 Nov 2014
Creative workshop proposals wanted

Creative workshop proposals wanted - Local Democracy for Everyone
We’re hosting the Local Democracy for Everyone event on Saturday 7th February 2015. The idea is to bring people together to create new ideas for doing local democracy. Participants will include thinkers, makers, councillors, community activists, council officers and anyone who is interested.
The organisers would love to hear from anyone who would like to run a creative workshop with a democratic flavour, relating to any of these themes:
· Making decisions locally
· Encouraging citizen dialogue
· Influencing and scrutinising
· Representing the people
· Citizen engagement with local democracy
Workshops can be in any format you choose, including practical creative sessions where participants can talk about something, build something or dismantle something. All ideas welcome.
The outcome of your workshop should be three new ideas on your theme, which you can present at our Ideas Bazaar in the afternoon.
The deadline for workshop ideas is 2pm on Monday 15th December 2014.
We’ll promote all the successful workshop ideas on our web site and through our networks – including links to your profile or other online content.
We also have opportunities for local creatives to get involved in documenting the event. Please get in touch if you’d like to take part.
Contact: rewiring.democracy@gmail.com
For more information visit http://notinwestminster.wordpress.com/workshop-ideas/