The Media Centre / News / Mon 26 Feb 2018
Apply to pitch your idea at the next Huddersfield SOUP on 18 Apr

DEADLINE: 13.00 on Saturday 7th April
Do you have an idea that would benefit from a micro-grant and exposure to a supportive audience?
SOUP is a great way to raise money, build community support and get connections to local resources that can help you carry out your project.
In exchange for a minimum donation of £5, the audience receive get soup, entertainment and a vote.
Four pitches will be chosen to present and the winner is the pitch which receives the most votes and they are given all the door money as micro-grant.
SOUP aims to make Huddersfield a thriving community and a supportive place to bring ideas alive.
The rules are simple, you have to live in Huddersfield and / or the project must benefit a Huddersfield person, business, organisation or community.
So submit your idea to us before 1pm on the 7th April and you could be the next winner of a SOUP microgrant
For more information visit https://themediacentre.typeform.com/to/whTdlx
News Location
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
Telephone: 01484 483 000
Email: info@themediacentre.org
Website: https://themediacentre.typeform.com/to/whTdlx