The Gallery at Parndon Mill / Events / Thu 10 Feb to Sun 27 Mar 2022 (2 months)
Light and Shadow

10th February - 27th March
In contrast to our January exhibition which presented a feast of colour to blow away the cold light of winter, this exhibition, LIGHT and SHADOW is mostly in black and white. All three artists have been influenced by the pandemic.
Suman Gujral started to take daily walks and found that this restored her equilibrium. Her etchings and monotype prints based on landscape and trees remind us that the world keeps turning despite our troubles and we can find solace in the beauty of the Earth. She feels that the pandemic has brought home to us that life is light and shadow - light creates shadow and shadow helps us appreciate the light.
Mary Down began making the small lead houses during the 'lockdown' a time when our homes were our safe places but which, for a time, also became places of imprisonment. This contradiction is echoed by the materials used, lead which is both toxic and protective and, if it not too fanciful, gold which speaks of purity and the redemptive power of hope.
Karen Banks’ ceramics have a sense of the found and unearthed, the small treasures you find when you take a moment to stop and look around - inspired by being outdoors, walking, searching, finding, then cherishing. For her the pandemic, particularly during lockdown, gave us all a chance to pause, see the details and really look at what is precious to us.
There has been shadow for most of us, but light has shone through and can be seen in this exhibition.
For more information visit http://www.parndonmill.co.uk/gallery
Event Location
The Gallery at Parndon Mill
The Gallery
Parndon Mill Lane
Elizabeth Way
CM20 2HP
Telephone: 01279 426 042
Email: info@parndonmill.co.uk
Website: http://www.parndonmill.co.uk/gallery