The Arts Development Company

The Arts Development Company / Opportunities / Mon 16 Jan 2017

Creative Local Growth Fund Programme Manager

Creative Local Growth Fund Programme Manager

Following the successful award of a Creative Local Growth Fund grant by ACE the Arts Development Company, Dorset now wish to appoint a Programme Manager to oversee the team of four staff which will deliver this project over the next three years.

The project is funded by ACE and ERDF funding and involves four strands of work incorporating cultural tourism development, festival development, support for visual artists and organisations and the development of social enterprise and investment. The salary is £32,500 per annum and the contract will run for the three years of the project.
For more information please visit the website.

To apply:
Please send an up to date C.V. and a covering letter (no more than 2 sides of A4) explaining why you would be suited to the post. In your letter you should pay particular attention to the key required skills of the role and explain how your experience to date addresses these.

Your application should be emailed to

Please mark your application CLGF Programme Manager application in the subject box.

Applications must be received by 0900 on the 16th January 2017. Applications received after this time will not be read.

Interviews will be held on the week beginning the 23rd January 2017

If you have any queries or require further information about this job specification please ring Mike Hoskin on 01305 224937

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

The Little Keep

Barrack Road

Telephone: 01305 224 937

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

