The Art of Wellbeing / News / Wed 14 Oct 2015
Stevenage Youth Connects Case Study

Project title: Stevenage Youth Connects
Where and when the project happened
In Stevenage secondary schools 2014 – 15 (currently ongoing until 2018). Funded by the Big Lottery from 2013 – 2018, a Tilehouse counselling project in partnership with The Create Network)
Describe your project briefly
The project offers 6 week creative (art and music) workshops aimed at those young people experiencing low self-esteem, mental health and other issues that leave them feeling disenfranchised, and prevent them engaging positively with their community.
What were the aims of your project?
To help young people share and explore their issues and emotions in a low risk, non-threatening environment. Enhance their positive mental and emotional well-being, building self confidence and self-esteem while equipping them with strategies and tools they can use beyond the life of the project.
What happened as a result of your project?
Students offered each other peer support and reported that they’d come to understand that they shared similar issues, it's all right to have differing opinions and that they can voice theirs in a constructive way. A number of students who had issues with anger management said they were learning to control it. Others felt increased confidence and were able to overcome fears and /or peer pressure. In some cases teachers reported a positive difference in the way the students were engaging with school and their peers.
What evidence did you produce to show your project’s impact?
Predominantly feedback and testimonials from students and teachers.
The Big Lottery also requires us to demonstrate the number of students worked with.
What 2 tips would you offer to someone else running a similar project?
• Keep workshop brief broad to allow participants maximum creative input
• Have outcome collection methods in place before the project starts
Your contact details to help people find more information
Andréa Watts, Project Manager, Stevenage Youth Connects
Tel: (07540) 780039 Email: stevenageyc@gmail.com
If you have an Arts and Health project that you would like to share through Creative Hertfordshire, please go to http://www.creativehertfordshire.com/the-art-of-wellbeing/call-for-hertfordshire-arts-and-health-projects-to-showcase/
News Location
Telephone: 07540 780 039
Email: stevenageyc@gmail.com