The Art of Wellbeing / News / Thu 15 Oct 2015
Arts in Autism project snapshot

Project title: Arts in Autism
Where and when the project happened
Radlett Lodge and Watling View Schools, St Albans - September 2014 to July 2015. Practitioners: St Albans Arts Team, Earley Creative Drumming.
Describe your project briefly
• We worked with two schools to enhance arts delivery and an opportunity for LSA’s to acquire new skills.
• Post 16 students with learning disabilities including autism attended ten percussion sessions exploring rhythms using African drums.
• Both culminated in celebrations at the schools in March and July 2015.
What were the aims of your project?
• Create a sustainable project by training an LSA to deliver future sessions
• 25 students with autism engage in new activities to improve their social and confidence skills
• Two schools participate in a musical project regardless of their musical, mental and physical abilities
• Organise a celebratory performance
What happened as a result of your project?
• Radlett Lodge purchased 10 djembe drums and will re-employ Earley Creative
• LSA’s are using their mentoring skills and one was appointed Specialist Expressive Arts Support after the project
• Student’s performed to an audience of 55, including parents, teachers and guests
• They sustained focus and maintained a rhythm within the group during the ½ hour performance
• The concert was recorded and the students awarded certificates
• The student’s designed the cd cover
• It featured as part of the National Autistic Society’s World Autism Week
• Radlett Lodge are keen to perform in a district event
What evidence did you produce to show your project’s impact?
• The Art’s Team and Schools compiled evaluations, featuring student’s words, drawings, photos, LSA and staff feedback
• Student comment: ‘The drumming made me feel alive, so alive’
• Earley Creative comment: ‘I was totally blown away by how much we got done’.
• Radlett Lodge Principal’s comment: ‘Your energy, enthusiasm and vision have shone through and your work culminated in the most magical of performances. A huge success and I am fully resolved to make sure drumming groups continue in school’
• Schools have an mp3 recording of the performance
• Schools have skilled LSA’s and additional percussion equipment
What 2 tips would you offer to someone else running a similar project?
• Hire a facilitator who can customise workshops to student’s needs
• Create a whole school involvement to enhance support and participation
Your contact details to help people find more information
Chris Blanch, Arts Development Officer, St Albans Arts Team
Tel: 01727 819469 Email: chris.blanch@1Life.co.uk
If you have an Arts and Health project that you would like to share through Creative Hertfordshire, please go to http://www.creativehertfordshire.com/the-art-of-wellbeing/call-for-hertfordshire-arts-and-health-projects-to-showcase/
News Location
Radlett Lodge and Watling View Schools, St Albans
Telephone: 01727 819 469
Email: chris.blanch@1life.co.uk