Temporary Contemporary / News / Mon 26 Apr 2021
Series of Podcasts for early career artists & creatives

A mini series of podcasts hosted by Victoria McCorkell, have been produced by Parley for the Temporary Contemporary initiative.
During the series you will hear from guests invited by Temporary Contemporary to discuss the theme: Structures of Support for early career artists and creative practitioners.
Temporary Contemporary is a partnership project of Kirklees Council and the University of Huddersfield. It operates as a catalyst for creativity and culture in Huddersfield and prompts conversations about place based making, public engagement, cultural and mixed ecologies.
The first two episodes are now available to listen to on Soundcloud.
In the first episode we hear from Dr Rowan Bailey, Director of Graduate Education and Director of the Centre for Cultural Ecologies in Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield. Rowan is one of the project co-ordinators for Temporary Contemporary. In 2020 she was appointed to the newly formed Council of Higher Education in Art & Design Research Alliance Strategy Group.
We also hear from Dr Roderick Hunter. Roddy Hunter is an artist, curator, educator and writer, Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Art, Design & Architecture at the University of Huddersfield and a Trustee of the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design, CHEAD
In the second episode we hear from MA students from the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield: Karolina Noworolska - Interior Designer, MA in Interior Design; Alexander Jones, Pattern Cutter and Fashion Designer - Co-Founder of Studio Kettle, MA in Fashion - Creative Pattern Cutting; Shauna Moorhouse, Designer and Owner of Small House Designs studying MA in Graphic Design also at the University of Huddersfield.
Follow the link below to listen to Episode 1 and Episode 2 of the podcasts which are now available.
With thanks to:
Dr Rowan Bailey - Guest
Dr Roderick Hunter - Guest
Karolina Noworolska - Guest
Alexander Jones - Guest
Shauna Moorhouse - Guest
Ashleigh Dussie - Album cover design
Amy Hasleden - Album cover design
For more information visit https://research.hud.ac.uk/art-design/temporarycontemporary/podcasts/