Temporary Contemporary / News / Tue 01 Sep 2020
September What's On in the PIazza & Queensgate Market

A number of artists and arts organisation have started to make steps to get back into their units in the Piazza Shopping Centre and Queensgate Market to put on exhibitions and workshops. This flyer tells you who is doing what during September and we hope more will be back soon
All activities will observe COVID-19 safety precautions and we ask that you respect requests to social distance and wear face masks.
You can also see the window displays created as part of the #Heartyourtown project in some of the Piazza shop units.
For more information visit https://www.creativekirklees.com/networks/creative-kirklees/documents/tc-sep-whats-on.pdf
News Location
Piazza Shopping Cenre & Queensgate Market
Website: https://www.creativekirklees.com/networks/creative-kirklees/documents/tc-sep-whats-on.pdf