Temporary Contemporary / News / Tue 18 Jun 2019
Huddersfield Repair Café needs you!

Are you interested in helping to run a monthly repair café in Huddersfield Queensgate Market? If you're a fixer of things - for electrical goods, computers, kids’ toys, bikes, wooden bits and random stuff - or can help with running and hosting the event please get in touch.
Repair cafes are a lovely, sociable way to help reduce the amount of stuff we throw away, meet people, learn new skills, save money and reduce the climate impact of the crazy amount of new stuff we all buy.
The plan is to run a repair café for 3 or 4 hours one Saturday a month. Fixers are asked to donate their time for free. In return you get a warm fluffy feeling, get to meet lovely people and, if you wish, advertise your own business or project.
If you're interested in getting involved email Richard at huddersfieldrepaircafe@gmail.com
NOTE – because the Repair Café is going to be running in Queensgate market we aren’t looking for fixers of items that businesses in Queensgate currently offer repairs for- shoes, clothes, tablets, phones and watch straps/ batteries.