Tapocketa is a fledgling design and animation studio based in Hertford. We are Trevor Young and Eleanor Long and together we write, draw, make models, animate characters, create scenes, record sound and anything else required to make animated shorts.
Our current venture is an animated children's book called Galdo's Gift.

View my website http://www.tapocketa.com/

My Location


8 Millers Court
SG14 1HU

Telephone: 01992 558 267
Email: studio@tapocketa.com
Website: http://www.tapocketa.com/

Profile Details

My Videos

Galdo's Gift - The Boovie : iBook TrailerGaldo's Gift - The Boovie : iBook Trailer

Frog King Galdo and four hapless heroes are on a quest to find a special gift for a very special visitor. Narrated by well-loved British TV actor Bria...
