Suzanne Rider

Suzanne Rider / Events / Tue 05 Mar to Fri 19 Jul 2024 (5 months)

Young person looking for work experience

Young person looking for work experience

I have a friend whose daughter is looking for work experience from the 15th to the 18th July 2024. She is currently taking Classics, English and History A-Levels and wants to study Classics and English at university.

She is very bright with a great sense of humour and has an original mind. I am looking forward to reading her books in the future! She writes a lot and is also interested in philosophy and media.

If anyone would be interested in offering her four days of work experience, ideally in the North Herts area, please contact me on 07758 440704 or by email:

Event Location


Telephone: 07758 440 704

Event Details


