Suzanne Rider / News / Wed 10 Aug 2016
Creative arts activities to do at home with children

Ideas from our artist: Debbie Hall
Cardboard Sand Wrist Bands
1. Take a cut piece of card
2. Pinch small pieces of sand onto double sided sticky tape
3. Once you have finished, remove the small tab of tape
4. Stick the card to the tape
Marble rolling painted prints
1. Place paper inside a container.
2. Choose any 2 paint colours and put a blob of each on the marble with a lolly stick.
3. Put the marble into the container on top of the paper, place the lid firmly and roll the marble around.
(You can also do this with a takeaway coffee cup!)
Make a stained glass window:
1. Take felt tip pens and dip them in water
2. Put the tips of the pens onto a coffee filter paper
3. The colour of the pen will spread out onto the filter paper.
4. Build up the pattern
5. Stick onto a window and let the light shine through.
Some ideas from MumsNet: www.mumsnet.com/how-to-survive-the-summer-holidays
1. Make slime. Get a pack of cornflour, mix it with water so it's gloopy but not runny and then add green food colouring.
2. Empty a bag of rice or lentils into a plastic/cardboard box to make an indoor sandbox for trucks. Keeps small children occupied for ages.
3. Stick some blank paper on a wall somewhere and turn it into a 'graffiti wall'.
4. Make forts and castles with furniture and sheets.
5. Get them to organise a play. Stock the dressing-up box with a load of silly hats and clothes from charity shops or Freecycle - the sparklier the better. If they are older, they can write the play themselves; little ones can act to you reading out a favourite book.