The first day of ‘Hertfordshire Year of Culture 2020’ seems an appropriate day to review the history of the Community Arts movement.
64 Million Artists, who we are collaborating with to bring you ‘The January Challenge’. 31 days with 31 daily creative challenges! (To sign up go to: https://64millionartists.com/our-work/the-january-challenge/) were commissioned in 2018 by the Arts Council to report on ways cultural organisations are engaging with communities. Their report ‘Cultural Democracy in Practice can be found at:
This report and many other aspects of cultural democracy are discussed by Sophie Hope and Owen Kelly in a series of podcasts: ‘Meanwhile in an Abandoned Warehouse - discussions about cultural democracy’, which can be found at: https://miaaw.net
Owen’s seminal book ‘ Community Art & The State – Storming the Citadels’ written in 1984 and revised in 2016 can at: https://www.dibdibdob.com/stuffandbobs/CAS_v1.0.0.pdf