Suzanne Rider / Opportunities / Fri 16 Apr 2021
Can you be a HAPpy Specialist Service Provider ?

Hertfordshire’s Holiday Activity Programme: HAPpy, is a Department for Education initiative that enables existing or prospective organisers of holiday activity programmes to access funding to deliver daily, four hour programmes for young people aged 5-16 years who are in receipt of free school meals. Programmes can be led by a range of organisations from across the public, private and community & voluntary sectors, and participants should be able to take part in a range of food, sports and cultural activities, and receive advice on nutrition and cooking skills.
To run a HAPpy programme there are quite a few elements that we know not all clubs and organisations will be able to meet, so we’re appealing to others who would like to share information about their specialist services on our webpages. That way, we can offer support and match local opportunities. There are many different areas that people will be looking for help with, including catering, physical activity delivery, enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing, along with educational attainment, and nutritional education.
For example, you might be able to:
• Provide food – each programme has a requirement to offer school standard meals
• Offer ‘enrichment activities’ such as cultural learning, arts and crafts, forest school or drama
• Lead physical activity sessions – each programme must offer a minimum of one hour’s physical activity per day
If you feel you could support another organisation with their HAPpy Programme then please send the following details to Jane Parker at HAF@herts.ac.uk
• Organisation name
• Brief description of services
• Cost for delivery, if there is any
• Location(s) you operate in
• Contact details
Opportunity Location
Email: haf@herts.ac.uk