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Susan Cooke

Susan Cooke SouthWestHertsArts

SouthWestHertsArts - a programme of friendly art workshops in and around South West Herts, ranging from painting retreats to skills based workshops through explorations of C20 art movements and methods. They are all practical sessions and are suitable for all abilities. We provide all materials - you only need to bring yourself! There are refreshments (including cake in the afternoons). See the facebook page SouthWestHertsArts for upcoming workshops or contact by email to be put on the mailing list.

My Location

Southwest Hertfordshire

97 Evans Wharf
Hemel Hempstead

Telephone: 07962 868 028

Profile Details

My Events

Making an artist&apos;s book / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2020-03-25T00:00:00Z">Wed 25 Mar 2020</span>Making an artist's book / Wed 25 Mar 2020

Making an artists book 10.00am- 2pm Experiment with making your own artist's book, discover how to use a book form to make your own single edition. ...