Sunken Treasure Gallery

Sunken Treasure Gallery portraits, prints, posters, photos, playing cards and more

Sunken Treasure Gallery opened in January 2016 – within the premises of Studio 1060 Tattoos in Stevenage. We sell original portraits, limited edition prints, framed and unframed posters, photography, collectors’ edition playing cards and other works. Please drop in and take a look at the unique range of art available, or if you are interested in commissioning a portrait please contact us for details. Shop open 10am - 5.30pm Tuesday - Saturday. Closed Sunday & Monday.

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My Location

Studio 1060 Tattoos & Piercings

9 Queensway South

Telephone: 07976 628 971

Profile Details

Reflections of Japan... / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2016-06-16T00:00:00Z">Thu 16 Jun 2016</span>Reflections of Japan... / Thu 16 Jun 2016

Latest addition to the gallery. A unique decorated mirror. The frame is fully covered (front & back) with Japanese-style tattoo decoupage. 20x16in. On...

Dead good - Upcycled chairs / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2016-06-16T00:00:00Z">Thu 16 Jun 2016</span>Dead good - Upcycled chairs / Thu 16 Jun 2016

Here's a pair of wood and chrome kitchen chairs which have been given a new lease of life (or death) in the form of skull make-overs. Dead-coupage to ...

Gig Posters Offer / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2016-05-11T00:00:00Z">Wed 11 May 2016</span>Gig Posters Offer / Wed 11 May 2016

A set of cool, retro gig posters, pre-mounted and ready to frame in standard 20"x16" frames. Just £15 each or ANY 4 for only £40. Contact us today, or...
