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St Albans Mummers

St Albans Mummers St Albans Mummers

The Mummers first appeared in St Albans fifty in 1967. A group of friends, mainly members of St Albans Morris Men, decided to put on a play every Boxing Day. They chose a play which had been modified from an earlier text by "Neggy" Wilson, a schoolmaster in Croxley Green, about a century before. It had been performed in the village within living memory, but not for some time.

The cast changes as individuals leave, and new members are invited to join.  The last founder member retired after the 2011 performances but some of the original audience now bring their grandchildren! In general, a member retains his Character until they decide to relinquish it, but Mummers aren't known for sticking to rules, even their own!

So if you are wondering what to do on Boxing Day ? Feeling in need of fresh air ? Enjoy supporting local traditional events ? Come and see the St Albans Mummers. Witness scenes of conflict, life, death and resurrection plus some awful jokes but all in the best possible taste !

We perform at five spots around town and we would love to meet you. The day starts at the Old Town Hall / Museum at 11.30 followed by the White Hart Hotel at 12.20, the West Door of the Abbey at 13.00, the Fighting Cocks at 13.50 and finally the Clock Tower at 14.40.

We are able to contribute to local charities from the money that our audiences kindly give us at our performances. So please bring some cash to throw into the "hat"

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My Location

St Albans Museum / Old Town Hall

St Peters st, St Albans

Telephone: 01707 883 476

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My Events

St Albans Mummers - Boxing Day 2020 / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2020-12-26T00:00:00Z">Sat 26 Dec 2020</span>St Albans Mummers - Boxing Day 2020 / Sat 26 Dec 2020

Bad News For Mummers ! The St Albans Mummers have performed at various spots and pubs around the city on Boxing Day each year since 1967 but this y...
