St Albans Cathedral

St Albans Cathedral / Events / Sat 13 Mar 2021

Henry lll, Matthew Paris, and St Albans Abbey

Henry lll, Matthew Paris, and St Albans Abbey

Join us for a joint talk hosted by the Friends and the Cathedral’s Adult Learning programme.
This talk will explore Henry III's close relationship with St Albans chronicler Matthew Paris and what we can learn of the character and outlook of both men. It will also describe Henry's relations with the medieval Abbey of St Albans, showing the importance of Henry's devotion to Saint Alban and detailing the frequency with which he came on pilgrimage here.

David Carpenter is Professor of Medieval History at King’s College London, is a leading authority on Henry III and his time, and has written widely on English social, economic, architectural, military and political history in the thirteenth century. His most recent book, published in May 2020, is the first of a two volume biographical study of the reign of Henry lll (1216-1272). Drawing on source material of extraordinary richness, it traces the rise to power and personal rule of this pacific, conciliatory and deeply religious king.

Image: Henry III in Matthew Paris' Historia Anglorum (British Library MS Royal 14 C VII f.9, available through Creative Commons)

Speaker: Professor David Carpenter, King’s College, London

Date & Time: Saturday 13 March, 2.30-4pm

Cost: £10 (students £6)

Venue: Online with potential for some in-person tickets if restrictions allow (tbc - see below)

This event will be initially advertised as an online talk via Zoom. If restrictions allow, we may be able to offer a limited number of in-person tickets closer to the time, in addition to the online ones. If this is the case, all those who have purchased tickets will be notified, and given the option to change their ticket to an in-person one. In-person tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, and the event would take place in the Alban Room at St Albans Cathedral.

If you’d like to attend the event but are not free to join us live, please do buy a ticket and you’ll receive the joining details for Zoom (in case your plans change) and an email detailing how to get in touch for a recording of the talk.

Joining on Zoom on the day

For participants joining online via Zoom, you will need access to a device which has audio in order to be able to hear. You can also join by dialling in using a telephone, but won't be able to see the speaker or any visual aids.

Instructions for joining the talk will be sent via email the day before the event. If you have not received these details by 12.30pm on Friday 12 March, please call 01727 890205.

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Telephone: 01727 890 210

Event Details


