SPO / Events / Sat 18 Jan 2020
Revolution - Slaithwaite Philharmonic Orchestra

Dvořák - Symphony No 7
Beethoven - Symphony No 3, Eroica
Conductor - Benjamin Ellin
Leader - Michele Northam
Two symphonies steeped in revolutionary history and association; one by a firebrand and one by a reticent and shy figure. Both men of nature and both humanists. Two very different symphonies.
Concert 7:30 pm [pre-concert talk at 6:30 pm]
Tickets from £5 [students] to £19 [centre balcony]
Accompanied children free.
Ticket secretary - 01484 850488
Also from Kirklees Town Halls - 01484 223200 [subject to 10% booking fee]
For more information visit http://spo.org.uk/concerts/18-january-eroica/
Event Location
Huddersfield Town Hall
Ramsden Street, Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 850 488
Website: http://spo.org.uk/concerts/18-january-eroica/