Sound Communities CIC / Events / Wed 01 Apr to Mon 31 Aug 2015 (5 months)
Radio Routes

Radio Routes is our outreach programme for Parkfield Xtreme Radio. We are travelling to community centres around Torbay and running radio making workshops and then live broadcasts from the centres themselves with young people. We have given each centre their own recorder kit so they have been collecting sounds and interviews to play out as part of their broadcast.
We are hoping that all young people will become part of Parkfield Xtreme Radio's team of presenters and broadcast live on our FM broadcast at the end of July.
The dates of the broadcasts are:
PHAB Torquay 9th March
Young Volunteers, The Edge Brixham 22nd April
QED 13th May
Totally Teenagers 15th may
Acorn 9th May
PHAB Jnr Torquay 3rd June
Youth Genesis tbc
Parkfield tbc
All shows will be broadcast and archived on our new Spreaker platform:
This project is funded by the National Lottery, The Neighbourhood Youth Fund and Torbay Youth Cultural Partnership's Bridge Fund.
For more information visit http://www.spreaker.com/show/radio-routes-2015
Event Location
Telephone: 01803 863 618
Email: kate@soundcommunities.co.uk
Website: http://www.spreaker.com/show/radio-routes-2015