Soundart Radio / Events / Mon 06 to Fri 31 Aug 2012 (4 weeks)
Summer Radio Club 2012

Get involved with Community Radio this Summer, learn new skills, try new arts activites, meet interesting people and have fun. Relaxed and creative learning for children and young people, with live broadcasts every day. Young people will be mentored and supported by experienced and CRB checked staff. Sessions run from Monday to Friday each week in August at Soundart Radio 102.5fm, Dartington.
Take Flight for 8-12 yr olds, 6th-10th August
Explore the theme of birds and flight, through field recording, storytelling, poetry and music, with time for walks, picnics, games and crafts.
Carnival Mix for 12-15 yr olds, 13th-17th August
Music production, DJ skills, singing and costume making in the run up to Totnes Carnival, resulting in a live broadcast for the parade.
Young Reporters for 12-15 yr olds, 20th-24th August
Interview local artists, writers and musicians out and about around town, and host live shows at the studio with many guests, during Totnes Festival. Journalism training, interview techniques, sound recording, editing and presenting live radio.
Young Reporters for 16-19 yr olds, 27th-31st August
Young reporters continues for week four for older students who may be looking for practical media experience before starting college.
Please contact lucinda@soundartradio.org.uk for more information, a booking form or to arrange a visit.
For more information visit http://www.soundartradio.org.uk/
Event Location
Soundart Radio
Dartington, Totnes, TQ9 6EP
Telephone: 01803 867 135
Email: lucinda@soundartradio.org.uk
Website: http://www.soundartradio.org.uk/