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Simon Summers HeritageBlacksmith

Simon Summers HeritageBlacksmith IronAgeSmith

Simon Summers Heritage Blacksmith

Experimental archaeologist - Consultant - Tutor

Specialist in quintessentially Celtic (Iron Age) metalworks, la Tène Culture art in repoussé, forgeworks, iron smelting & related subjects.

Simon’s research focuses on unlocking the history and meaning of the art in early metalworks created by ancient Britons, Gaulish and Celtic smiths.

He researches the shamanic roots of the Celtic religion and belief systems which honour the earth, animal and human life as well as the afterlife and the greater universe around us all.

When working with metals the moderate understanding of the spiritual ritual that may have been practiced here and which relate to the smith’s craft seen in other cultures.

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My Location

Chiddinglye Estate

West Sussex
RH19 4QS


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My Events

Dickensian Christmas Tree Decorations in Copper - masterclass / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2023-12-02T00:00:00Z">Sat 02 Dec 2023</span>Dickensian Christmas Tree Decorations in Copper - masterclass / Sat 02 Dec 2023

Dickensian Style Christmas Tree Decorations Masterclass in Copper Repoussé with Simon Summers expert in repoussé works ONE DAY COURSE FOR ADULTS...