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Simon David Eden Simon David Eden
My Location
Chichester West Sussex
My News
The Albatross 3rd & Main / Thu 10 Sep 2015
New black comedy set in the US of A, to premiere at the Emporium theatre, Brighton Feb 2016. If you're a fan of neo-noir, Americana, Coen Brothers, Ma...
My Events
TSK Book trailer unleashed! / Mon 13 Apr 2015 to Sun 30 Dec 2018 (4 years)
Film Trailer for The Savage Kingdom novel released on YouTube
The Albatross 3rd & Main / Tue 02 to Sat 20 Feb 2016 (3 weeks)
World premiere of my gritty neo-noir comedy with a sizzling cast. Think the Coen Brothers and Tarantino had a baby!
The Albatross 3rd & Main / Tue 02 to Sat 20 Feb 2016 (3 weeks)
Advance tickets now on sale for my new black comedy which premieres at the Emporium Theatre Brighton Feb 2nd-20th 2016